It’s the Year of the Snake, a year to embrace creativity, wisdom and transformation – familiar attributes when we are looking to do business internationally so with this in mind we are looking forward to exploring new markets in 2025 starting with Kazakhstan and the Southeastern US states.
Kazakhstan’s economy is almost one-third larger than its Central Asian neighbours combined and 4.2 million vehicles in use. Our visit will include Automechanika Astana along with meetings with key automotive organisations. The Southeastern US states are home to numerous OEMs as well as tier 1 and 2 suppliers based in the region. We are planning to visit the Southern Automotive conference plus site visits, meetings and networking, with a focus on the EV supply chain. We are currently taking expressions of interest for both trade missions.
Whilst the snake may be associated with negative portrayals in Western cultures, the snake as a zodiac sign often symbolises good luck and prosperity, which we hope you have in abundance when it comes to your international business ambitions.
With best wishes, and a Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate,
Upcoming international activities:
- Conference: UK-China Business Forum | London, UK | 5 March
- Trade mission: Türkiye| Istanbul, Türkiye | 5-7 March
- Trade show: Korea| Seoul, South Korea | 5-7 March
- Trade mission: Kazakhstan| Astana, Kazakhstan | 15-17 April
- Trade show: Thailand| Bangkok, Thailand | 7-9 May
- Trade mission: USA | Alabama, USA | 6-9 October