The Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Technical Committee exists to promote the interests and highlight concerns of the UK Car and LCV industry to both national and international bodies with the ability to influence decision-making on matters of relevance to the industry. The committee seeks to represent matters relating to vehicles up to 3.5t gross vehicle mass (GVM) and derivatives thereof. Issue-specific projects may be delegated to appropriate ad-hoc working groups at the Committee’s discretion.
Any full, paid-up SMMT member company can apply to become a member of the committee.
The Car and LCV Technical Committee seeks to support the work of ACEA, OICA, CLEPA and EUROMOT and liaises with the Heavy Commercial Vehicle Technical Committee (HCVTC) to ensure agreement and consistency on matters of mutual concern or where establishment of a position by one Committee has an effect on the position taken by the other. Where possible, a common policy is established.
The Committee reports to the Engineering Committee, and is managed by a chairman and secretary.
A ‘one page’ synopsis of meetings is sent to all members of the committee, and published in the monthly PPVL Technical Bulletin which is available to all SMMT members on this site.
Committee correspondence is available in the restricted area of the site or as distributed by the Committee secretary.
For further information please e-mail
SMMT Committees