SMMT Vehicle Data

Bus & Coach Registrations

New UK Bus and Coach registrations

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  • Q3 2024 By Brand

    Marque Q3 Q3 LY % Change
    FORD 578 619 -6.6%
    PEUGEOT 392 180 117.8%
    MERCEDES 228 217 5.1%
    ALEXANDER DENNIS 225 155 45.2%
    WRIGHTBUS 192 153 25.5%
    VOLVO 173 52 232.7%
    CITROEN 164 42 290.5%
    BYD 121 156 -22.4%
    VAUXHALL 89 36 147.2%
    YUTONG 64 42 52.4%
    SCANIA 56 34 64.7%
    IRIZAR 31 11 181.8%
    FIAT 23 13 76.9%
    RENAULT 15 7 114.3%
    MAN 9 0 0
    IVECO 5 0 0
    NEOPLAN 2 21 -90.5%
    OPTARE 0 0 0
    VAN HOOL 0 0 0
    VDL BUS 0 0 #0
    VOLKSWAGEN 0 0 0
    CAETANO 0 0 0
    MAXUS 0 0 0
    SETRA 0 1 -100.0%
    2,367 1,739 36.1%

    Year-to-Date By Brand

    Marque YTD YTD LY % Change
    FORD 1164 857 35.8%
    MERCEDES 807 786 2.7%
    PEUGEOT 728 222 227.9%
    WRIGHTBUS 645 373 72.9%
    ALEXANDER DENNIS 639 317 101.6%
    VOLVO 349 259 34.7%
    BYD 309 377 -18.0%
    VAUXHALL 267 86 210.5%
    CITROEN 264 70 277.1%
    YUTONG 219 184 19.0%
    SCANIA 194 126 54.0%
    IRIZAR 82 56 46.4%
    FIAT 64 39 64.1%
    NEOPLAN 63 40 57.5%
    RENAULT 49 13 276.9%
    MAN 31 5 520.0%
    IVECO 5 0 0
    MAXUS 3 2 50.0%
    OPTARE 0 1 -100.0%
    VAN HOOL 0 6 -100.0%
    VDL BUS 0 14 -100.0%
    VOLKSWAGEN 0 1 -100.0%
    CAETANO 0 1 -100.0%
    SETRA 0 1 -100.0%
    5883 3836 53.4%

MVRIS New Vehicle Registrations

The Motor Vehicle Registration Information System (MVRIS) is a database of new vehicle registration details in the UK for cars and commercial vehicles (less than 6 tonne gross vehicle weight).

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