1. Please ensure you enter the correct user name which is your usual email address with the suffix .smmt at the end (i.e.youremailaddress.smmt)
2. If you click on “forgotten password”, you will receive a password reset email from “SMMT No Reply”
3. Don’t forget to check your Junk/spam folders if you cannot see the email in your inbox.
4. Please click on the hyperlink in that email – you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser or you can just click on the link.
5. The password reset link only lasts for 24 hours so please ensure you log in as soon as you receive the email.
6. For ease of use and to ensure that you can always access circular attachments via the Members Zone, ensure that your PC “remembers” your password.
7.You can access the log-in page to the SMMT Members Zone at any time here: https://gpshub.force.com/members/login
8. Please also log in to Members Zone on your smart phones or tablets and tick the “remember me” box so that you can access information on the move.
9. If you have any further difficulties logging in, please contact memberszone@smmt.co.uk