Operators with a combined fleet of half a million vehicles in the UK and Europe tested First Hydrogen’s fuel cell-powered vans at a track day held at the Horiba Mira Proving Ground.
Fleet managers from 21 operators including Asda, Sainsbury’s, DPD and NHS England simulated different duty cycles – reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour – with representatives from First Hydrogen and partner Ballard Power Systems on hand to discuss how the vehicles work.
Road trials with the First Hydrogen vans carried out by Rivus and SSE have shown a peak range of more than 390 miles on a single fuelling, achieved during journeys from Aberdeen.
Stephen Offley, Transport Manager at Wales & West Utilities, who attended the Horiba Mira event, said: “It was fantastic to see a hydrogen vehicle of this weight class in action.
“We already know that hydrogen power will be essential to meet the critical range, payload and towing capabilities required by public utilities and other users, which cannot be met by battery-electric vans.”
Steve Gill, Executive Director Automotive at First Hydrogen, said: “Feedback will help us achieve buy-in from fleets, some of whom are likely to become our development partners, helping us shape our future business and ultimately becoming customers for our vehicles.”