Leyland Trucks produces over 500 different model variants of DAF LF, CF and XF model ranges on one assembly line, with countless minor options adding to the enormous complexity and variation in build specifications. Until recently, assembly operators were reliant on a paper based system of build instruction broadcasts, sequence queue reports, training aids and build quality records. These paper systems are now being replaced by an Electronic Work Instruction (EWI) system.
Over the past 18 months, over 100 EWI stations have been implemented with touchscreen monitors configured to display real time build details and other information from the main Oracle business system. The system also provides the ability for the operators to record any defect and material shortage information instantly at the point of use as well as to verify completion of each assembly operation. So far, approximately two-thirds of the required 176 touch screen terminals have been installed, with the remainder planned for completion by summer 2013. This is a major step towards the realisation of the vision of a truly paperless factory.