UK Manufacturing

29 March 2018 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

More than a quarter of a million engines produced by British factories in February. Exports jump 16.1% in the month as 157,880 units head overseas – 62.0% of all output. Engine manufacturing up 10.3% so far this year as strong

29 March 2018 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

British commercial vehicle production falls -24.2% in February to 6,019 units. Decline in both home and overseas demand, with output falling -34.7% and -18.5% respectively. Year-to-date CV manufacturing down -21.6% compared with first two months of 2017. UK commercial vehicle

29 March 2018 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

British car manufacturing declines -4.4% in February to 145,475 units.
Exports steady, dipping -0.8%, with more than eight in 10 cars heading overseas.
Domestic demand falls for seventh consecutive month, with output for the UK down -17.0%.

British commercial vehicle manufacturing falls -4.7% in June 2017 with 7,324 CVs built last month. Production in first six months declines -8.1% to 43,782 units. Exports rise for first half of 2017, up 11.9% with 27,818 UK-built CVs sold internationally.

27 July 2017 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK car manufacturing falls -13.7% in June as 136,901 cars leave production lines. First half performance declines -2.9% to 866,656 units. Exports drive volumes in first six months, with 78.9% of British-built cars shipped overseas and year-on-year demand broadly stable

12 December 2016 #Europe #News #SMMT News #Top Stories

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) hosted a roundtable discussion chaired by David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, on the future for the UK automotive sector following Brexit. The event took place at SMMT’s headquarters

24 November 2016 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK car manufacturing dipped -1.0% in October, ending a 14-month run of growth for the industry, according to SMMT figures.

12 April 2016 #SMMT News

Nine British automotive manufacturers have today launched a new initiative to help young people find a job in the automotive industry.

01 April 2016 #SMMT News

Exports of British-built commercial vehicles (CVs) jumped by more than a third last year, with almost nine in 10 destined for EU countries, according to figures published today by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)

24 March 2016 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

230,868 engines manufactured in the UK in February, up 11.1% on the same month last year.

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