18 November 2011 #SMMT News

Based on data which is preliminary in some cases, global demand for passenger vehicles (NAFTA: including light trucks) was up 3% in October over the year before, as the uptrend we have seen in recent months continued, and global demand is now up 5% over the year before on the year.

18 November 2011 #SMMT News

1. Make it in Great Britain campaign launched
2. Government announces new apprenticeship initiative
3. UK vehicle production up 12.5% in October
4. Additional £10 million investment in low carbon technologies announced
5. Labour Party publishes interim business and enterprise report
6. Party leaders announce Queen Elizabeth Engineering Prize
7. Design & Technology Association launch “We believe in D&T” campaign
8. Environmental Audit Committee publish “Air quality” report
9. Week ahead

18 November 2011 #SMMT News

1. European Commission adopts 2012 Work Programme
2. European new car registrations decreased 1.8% in October
3. Mario Monti appointed as new Italian Prime Minister
4. European industrial production down 1.3%
5. Week ahead

17 November 2011 #SMMT News

SMMT’s weekly round-up, including all the latest news from UK automotive and a message from our Chief Executive.

17 November 2011 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK-based car manufacturing rose 14.1% in October and is up 5.8% over the year-to-date.

16 November 2011 #Sustainability Case studies

Employees at Vauxhall’s Ellesmere Port plant have received international recognition for their contributions to wildlife habitat conservation on their site.

16 November 2011 #Sustainability Case studies

TSB provided funding for a series of ultra-low carbon vehicle trials from late 2009, continuing until mid-2012.

16 November 2011 #Sustainability Case studies

GKN Structures in Telford has been educating its 630 assembly workers in environmental awareness.

16 November 2011 #Sustainability Case studies

During 2010 a partnership was formed between Caterpillar Building Construction Products (BCPD) and the Birmingham Metropolitan College to establish an Apprentice Training Academy at the Leicester facility.

16 November 2011 #Sustainability Case studies

A Golf blue-e-motion prototype electric car was the overall winner of the inaugural RAC Future Car Challenge in 2010.

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