
05 February 2015 #Cars #Registrations #SMMT News

Positive start to the year for new car market as registrations grew 6.7% in January to 164,856 units – the strongest January since 2007.
Record growth period for whole market continues: January marked the 35th consecutive month of rises.
Growth in company car registrations particularly strong, up 18.1%* on January 2014.
4,598 alternatively-fuelled vehicles registered in January, up 60.8% on last year’s figure of 2,859.

30 January 2015 #SMMT News

White is now the UK’s favourite new car colour after a surge in popularity in recent years. Almost a quarter of new cars registered in 2014 were white, the highest proportion since records began and up from less than 1%

29 January 2015 #SMMT News

Global passenger vehicle sales were up sharply once again at the end of the year (up 5.1%), lifting the growth rate for the year to 4.6%

16 January 2015 #SMMT News

European new car registrations grew 5.7% in 2014, following 16 months of continuous growth for the market.

07 January 2015 #Cars #Registrations #SMMT News

2,476,435 new cars registered in the UK in 2014 – the most in a calendar year since 2004.
Year was fourth-largest of all time; only 2002, 2003 and 2004 saw more cars registered.
2014 market grew 9.3% over the previous year, ahead of the EU average of 5.7%*.

SMMT has published Electric Vehicle (EV) registration figures for November and the year-to-date.

28 October 2014 #Bus and Coach #Sales #Top Stories #Truck #Van

September saw the 13th consecutive month of commercial vehicle registration increases across the EU, according to new figures. Data from European manufacturers’ association ACEA shows a month-on-month increase of 13.2% across all sectors, totalling 181,436 units. Light commercial vehicles (LCVs)

The bus and coach markets are showing signs of positivity, while commercial vehicle registrations suffered a small dip in April. Data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) showed promising signs for the bus and coach sector as

04 April 2014 #CV Sector #News #Sales #Top Stories #Truck #Van

Commercial vehicle registrations grew by 11.4% in March with vans driving the numbers forward, according to the latest figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. A total of 54,232 vehicles were registered with the new number plate in

27 March 2014 #Bus and Coach #CV Sector #News #Sales #Truck #Van

Demand for commercial vehicles rose across Europe for the six month in a row in February according to new figures from trade body ACEA. Total registrations for the period were up by 13.7% to 125,241 units. Spain recorded the biggest

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