SMMT News UK Manufacturing

London new 4×4 registrations

14 January 2005 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

London new 4×4 registrations



Following recent publicity, SMMT wishes to clarify new 4×4 vehicle sales figures for London. Some reports have suggested that one in five new car sales in London is a 4×4 off-road vehicle. This is wholly inaccurate.



The facts are:



– In 2004, new registrations of 4×4 vehicles in London totalled 12,731 units – 6.29 per cent of the capital’s total new car market



– Across the UK, 179,439 4x4s were newly registered in 2004. Of these, 7.1 per cent were registered within Greater London. That’s around one in fourteen cars.



– There are approximately 2.8 million cars of all ages registered to addresses in Greater London. Just 3.5 per cent are 4x4s.

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