SMMT News UK Manufacturing

Cold snap no problem for 4×4 drivers

24 November 2005 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

The Met Office is forecasting snow showers for most parts of the UK this weekend. However, the nation’s 4×4 drivers shouldn’t need to change their plans.



4×4 vehicles come into their own in wintry conditions. They have the capability to distribute power between the front and rear axle, depending on the need. This helps prevent loss of traction caused by over or understeer, provides extra grip and greater stability – ideal for slippery snowy conditions.



All over the country drivers recognise this benefit, helping reduce the number of accidents that inevitably increase when snow and ice hits.



SMMT chief executive, Christopher Macgowan said, ‘We must not lose sight of the fact that each year Britain is gripped by poor weather. A four-wheel drive provides greater stability, more grip and less chance of accidents in inclement weather. At this time of year, the British weather shows just how important these selling points are for both urban and rural users.’



Latest registration figures from SMMT (January-October) show interesting regional trends for 4×4 sales. Large conurbations like London, West Midlands, Merseyside and Manchester are not hotspots, appearing towards the bottom of the list.



SMMT publishes these figures to put to bed myths like ‘one in seven’ sales in London is a 4×4. In truth, the figure is closer to one in 15.



Regional/county figures are attached showing the percentage of 4x4s registered as new for each area.


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