Public-private partnership event to be held in Brussels

04 July 2009 #SMMT News

Automotive companies hoping to secure funding for research projects through the European Commission’s public-private partnership (PPP) are being invited to attend an event in Brussels on 13 July to learn more about the participation criteria.


Launched as part of the European Economic Recovery Plan announced in November 2008, automotive is the focus of one of three PPPs seeking to boost research efforts in large industrial sectors which have been particularly affected by the economic downturn. Alongside construction and manufacturing, automotive was identified as an industry in which innovation could significantly contribute towards a more green and sustainable economy.


To help companies prepare their proposals, the European Commissions’ Directorates General for research, information society and media and energy and transport are holding the 13 July event as an opportunity to inform interested companies about the new research PPPs and the conditions for participation.


The European Commission and industrial partners continue to work together to develop the implementation plans for the three partnerships:

  • “Factories of the Future” initiative for the manufacturing sector, providing €1.2 billion for R&D
  • “Energy-efficient Buildings” initiative for the construction sector, €1 billion for R&D
  • “Green Cars” initiative for the automotive sector worth a total of €5 billion, of which €1 billion is for research activities


For more information on the event, click here.

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