Scrappage scheme data analysis

10 November 2009 #SMMT News

The Scrappage Incentive Scheme continues to have a positive impact on boosting volumes and greening the fleet. New cars registered through the scheme emit 11% less CO2 than the overall market average and at least 27.5% less than the cars they replaced, according to data published by The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). SMMT regularly publishes scrappage incentive registration figures and has collated further data to provide more detail on the vehicles bought through the scheme.

Registrations through SIS
Commenting on the data, SMMT chief executive Paul Everitt said, “The Scrappage Incentive Scheme continues to act as an important driver, boosting new car registrations and sustaining jobs in vehicle retailing and manufacturing. The scheme is also delivering positive environmental benefits, reducing average new car CO2 emissions, and putting safer and more secure vehicles on our roads.”
The scrappage scheme accounted for 21% of all new car registrations in October, on par with levels evident in previous months. Cars account for 98.5% of total vehicles through the scheme. The scrappage scheme represented 3.4% of LCV volumes in October. October does mark the first month of 2009 when the new car market would still have shown modest growth (+3.9%) without any scrappage-related volumes. Since May, new car registrations have grown by 0.8%, but if all scrappage volumes were removed, a 19.5% decline would be evident. Over the first ten months of 2009, car registrations have fallen 12.3% or 236,790 units and LCV volumes have fallen 39% or 100,624 units. 

For more detailed analysis, please download the attached document


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