SMMT has welcomed the Committee on Climate Change report, Building a low-carbon economy – the UK’s innovative challenge, issued today, advising the UK to protect funding for low carbon technologies.
The report evaluates the effectiveness of current policy measures in delivering the technologies required to meet UK emission reduction targets and explains that the UK should invest in the research and development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, technologies in agriculture and industry, electricity storage and advanced bio-fuels.
“The UK motor industry is well placed to exploit the transition to ultra-low carbon vehicles,” said Paul Everitt, SMMT chief executive. “The Committee on Climate Change rightly highlights the importance of investment in research and development and a sustained programme of consumer incentives. The UK motor industry has set out a clear technology roadmap that recognises the importance of improvements to conventional technologies as well electrification, hybridisation and low carbon fuels. Encouraging new investment in these areas is critical for the future of our economy and environment.”
The report also looks into how new low carbon technologies will be vital in generating cleaner forms of electricity, which can be used for electric vehicles. The committee recommends that the UK should focus particularly on the development and deployment of at least six technologies. It also cites electric vehicles as an opportunity to showcase and exploit the UK’s significant design and manufacturing expertise. The CCC has set a target to have 1.7 million electric cars on the road by 2020, which it suggests would require an investment of up to £800 million.