European Commission re-launches CARS 21 group

10 November 2010 #SMMT News

SMMT has welcomed the re-launch of the CARS 21 High Level Group (Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21st century) which today met for the first time in its new form and with a new mission.

The European Commission has asked the group to develop a common action plan and a vision for “a competitive EU automotive industry and sustainable mobility and growth in 2020 and beyond”.

This will contribute to the EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Europe 2020, to the flagship initiatives on resource efficiency and industrial policy and to the EU strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles. To reach the objectives set out by the EU, the group has been enlarged to represent the various stakeholders whose involvement is crucial for the accomplishment of its mission.

European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship and chairman of the group, stressed the importance of the initiative: “The automobile industry is crucial for Europe as an economy and as a society. We need an ambitious and comprehensive strategy to foster its competitiveness and growth worldwide while ensuring sustainability. By bringing all relevant interests to the same table we will identify policies fit for the future.”

The focus of the group will be to advise the Commission in the development of an effective European industrial policy for the automotive sector and in the implementation of the EU’s strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles.

Notably, CARS 21 will develop policy recommendations in questions related to the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the automotive industry, and proposals to further the development and take up of clean and energy efficient vehicles in Europe and beyond.

The group is expected to issue a report in spring 2012. For more information about CARS 21, click here.

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