UK automotive production: October 2010

18 November 2010 #SMMT News
  • UK car output rose by 6.0% in October and 31.1% over the year-to-date.
  • CV production grew 47.1% in October and 39.0% over the year-to-date.
  • UK engine output fell 5.3% in October, but remains up 19.7% over the year-to-date.

“UK vehicle production rose 8.8% in October and signals steady improvement in global vehicle markets and the strength of the UK product line-up,” said SMMT chief executive, Paul Everitt. “It is extremely important that government continues to champion the role of vehicle manufacturing in rebalancing the national economy and works with the automotive industry to create conditions for increased investment in R&D, skills and capital equipment. Industry’s focus on low carbon technology and its global reach can help generate the private sector growth the country needs.”

Source: Cars Commercial Vehicles Total Vehicles Total Engines
SMMT Ltd Oct-10 YTD 2010 Oct-10 YTD 2010 Oct-10 YTD 2010 Oct-10 YTD 2010
Total 112,798 1,050,689 11,674 103,201 124,472 1,153,890 210,886 2,010,061
% change 6.0% 31.1% 47.1% 39.0% 8.8% 31.8% -5.3% 19.7%
Export 93,310 773,491 9,674 73,854 102,984 847,345 152,141 1,453,424
% change 6.4% 27.3% 49.5% 35.4% 9.4% 28.0% -6.5% 16.1%
% of total 82.7% 73.6% 82.9% 71.6% 82.7% 73.4% 72.1% 72.3%
Home 19,488 277,198 2,000 29,367 21,488 306,545 58,745 556,637
% change 3.9% 43.0% 36.6% 49.3% 6.3% 43.6% -2.1% 30.4%
% of total 17.3% 26.4% 17.1% 28.5% 17.3% 26.6% 27.9% 27.7%

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