TSB seeks industry input to inform new Catapult scheme
The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) has launched the Transport Systems Catapult, a collaborative industry-led project that will provide support to UK businesses seeking to create products and services that address the increasing demands of transport around the world.
Announced in Budget 2012, the Catapult aims to become a world-leading technology and innovation centre in the transport systems field, and TSB is inviting industry to help inform the scheme’s priorities.
There is a real opportunity for the automotive industry to shape the direction of the Catapult project and companies wishing to have their say should register on the TSB website. The deadline for registration is 29 June 2012.
In addition, there will be an information webinar, hosted on Friday 15 June 2012 from 10:00-11:30. Click through to register for the webinar.
Some of the key challenges the Catapult is likely to focus on include:
- Managing demand and increasing capacity to reduce congestion and improve mobility.
- Increasing flexibility and adaptability of information and intelligence to address future systems needs.
- Reducing overall cost of ownership and reliability of assets.
- Transitioning to resource efficient, low -carbon transport to reduce environmental impact.
- Answering fundamental questions to direct the strategy for future transport.
For more information download the Transport Systems Catapult Vision and Scope document which outlines the future aims and direction of the Catapult, or alternatively contact SMMT’s Technology and Innovation Officer, Luke Hampton.