This week, SMMT achieved the internationally recognised ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard for its Westminster headquarters.
The accreditation recognises the measures put in place by the organisation for waste minimisation, prevention of pollution and a basis for continual improvement at SMMT for the future to be even more environmentally aware.
“Many SMMT members already demonstrate their environmental awareness and achievements through the ISO 14001 accreditation, so it is appropriate that we do the same,” said Paul Everitt, SMMT Chief Executive. “Businesses and individuals need to play their part in minimising our impact on the environment and it is through accreditation schemes like ISO 14001 that we can demonstrate, monitor and build on our achievements.”
SMMT monitors numerous performance indicators from energy and water use to waste levels and recycling volumes. These factors, in addition to standards in place to monitor contractor activity, report on progress and communicate with staff, will now form part of the organisation’s on-going management practices, contributing to an even better environmental future.
Click through to find out more about ISO 14001.