- Total CV registrations up strongly in October, rising 27.3% to 27,578 units in the month.
- The overall commercial vehicle market is up 9.8% for the year-to-date, at 266,934 units.
- In October, vans rose 26.3% with 22,473 registrations and posted growth of 11% over the year so far with 227,477 registrations.
- Truck demand grew 32% in the month with 5,105 registrations; year-to-date volumes returned to growth, 3.2% ahead of 2012 at 39,457 units.
“Both the van and truck markets showed great strength in October boosting the sector by 27.3% and taking the 2013 growth rate to almost 10%,” said Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive. “We expected that the Euro 5/6 change would see the truck market grow in strength towards year-end and for vans, SMMT has raised its forecast on the back of sustained demand and confidence to 264,100 a 10.2% rise on last year.”
Click through to download the full October 2013 CV news release and data table.