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CV production still subdued but there is optimism

21 August 2014 #News #Sales #Top Stories #Truck #Van

UK commercial vehicle manufacturing continues to falter throughout 2014, as the sector experiences a tough July.

Just 6,338 units were produced in total throughout the month, which puts the sector down 25% on July 2013.

CV output for export fell by 31% compared to the same month last year, and the home market also suffered with the output for the domestic sector down by 9.4%.

This leaves the overall CV manufacturing sector down 23.3% over the first seven months of this year compared to 2013, while the export and home markets remain behind by 25% and 21.4% respectively.

SMMT Chief Executive Mike Hawes said, “UK commercial vehicle production fell by a quarter over last July, continuing the trend seen over the last year.

“With the effects of the 2013 restructuring still evident, as well as the spike in truck registrations towards the end of last year, this was to be expected. The coming months should provide more optimism, however, with European demand showing sustained improvement.”


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