Following a recent study by London-based think-tank LowCVP on the subject of ‘fuel decarbonisation’, a new Transport Energy Task Force has been established. The Task Force will help the government to formulate options for meeting the 2020 renewable energy directive and will determine how low carbon fuels can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from UK transport in the future.
The Department for Transport has asked the LowCVP to help manage this process and coordinate support from stakeholders.
The first meeting of the Task Force was held on 29 September and drew on the expertise from a broad range of stakeholders, including representatives of environmental organisations, fuel producers, investors and the automotive industry as well as representatives from various government departments.
Future meetings will have a similar composition of attendees and comprise a high level group and a number of working groups. The high level group has an independent Chair – Chris Mottershead, VP of Research and Innovation at King’s College, London. The group will provide direction to working groups on key questions and issues and review outputs.
Lord Debden, Chair of the Committee on Climate Change at LowCVP said, “The LowCVP brings all these people together and has a discipline of explanation, which is critically important, because when we find answers we can communicate them to politicians, businessmen and local authorities.”
The Transport Energy Task Force is scheduled to report its findings to the Department for Transport by March 2015. Earlier this week TNB reported how an EU directive will increase the availability of alternative fuels across member countries