HGVs without side-guards and upgraded mirrors will be banned from entering London as of September, Transport for London has warned.
The Safer Lorry Scheme, to be introduced on 1 September, will see 600 ‘Safer HGV Zone’ signs erected across London as Mayor Boris Johnson aims to make the capital a safer place for cyclists and pedestrians.
Vehicles of more than 3.5 tonnes must fit side-guards and Class V and Class VI close-proximity mirrors to better protect other users of London’s roads.
Johnson has made the safety of London’s roads a “top priority”, saying that vehicles lacking the required modifications are “not welcome in the capital” and will be “effectively banned”.
“The lives of thousands of cyclists and pedestrians will be much safer as a result, and I urge all operators of HGVs to get on board and make it a success,” added the Mayor.
A combination of the police, the DVSA and the Industrial HGV Taskforce will enforce the scheme 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and breaches could cost a maximum of £1,000.
Nigel Base, Commercial Vehicle Development Manager for the SMMT, warns of the confusion that may lie ahead if different local authorities impose different regulations on operators. “Legislation should be decided with a Europe-wide approach to avoid a future logistics nightmare,” he says.
“Our members are continually innovating when it comes to vehicle design and safety. A number of measures are being trialled which will provide even greater benefits than the specifications being imposed by TfL.”