The new Fiat Professional Doblo Cargo also made its UK debut at the CV Show. Also on the stand were two Ducato-based welfare vans; one converted by O&H and one by Clarks Vehicle Conversions. “We see demand for this type of vehicle growing,” says Fiat Professional UK managing director, Sebastiano Fedrigo.
Orders are being driven by ever-tighter health and safety legislation and duty-of-care requirements governing the provision of facilities for mobile work gangs that may be involved in, for example, laying drainage pipes in the middle of the countryside.
Renault also believes that demand is rising and was displaying a Master-based welfare van on its stand executed by O&H as part of a wide range of special conversions on show. In effect it is a mobile mess with rear seating, a microwave oven, a sink and hot and cold running water.
A toilet with washing and drying facilities can be accessed through a separate rear door.