June figures reveal healthy demand for CVs in Europe as registrations rise 18.5%

29 July 2015 #SMMT News


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European demand for commercial vehicles has experienced a sixth consecutive monthly growth, with figures from the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) showing that registrations in June rose 18.5% compared to 2014. Registrations of new CVs rose for all segments and in all major European markets, with 193,203 new commercial vehicles registered last month. Spain experienced the biggest increase, with a 49.7% rise in registrations, followed by the UK (18.6%), France (12.9%), Italy (12.5%) and Germany (9.4%).

1,030,140 commercial vehicles have been registered in Europe so far this year, a 12.9% rise compared to 2014. The biggest increase was seen by HCVs over 16 tonnes, which grew 32.7% in the first half of 2015. Registrations for buses and coaches were also strong, up by 28.6% for the year-to-date, and demand for LCVs increased by 16.3% compared to 2014.

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