A concept trailer designed and developed by Bibby Distribution and Don-Bur has eliminated all ‘wet claims’ for paper manufacturer Saica Paper.
The bespoke-designed curtainside trailer was introduced by Bibby Distribution to reduce the number of water-damaged paper reels, a significant cost to the manufacturer and a potential cause of lost customers. Since its introduction the new design has reduced the number of wet claims to zero, thanks to features such as a triple-layered floor and armoured wraparound curtains. The trailer is based out of Saica Paper’s Manchester depot, particularly relevant as the city sees 152 rain days on average per year and the fourth highest rainfall in the UK according to the Met Office.
Chris Johnson, Saica Paper’s UK Logistics Manager commented, “To say there hasn’t been a single wet claim on deliveries made by the concept trailer is incredible. Deliveries made by this concept trailer removes any worry for us and gives us total confidence that we can deliver full customer satisfaction. Bibby Distribution has raised the bar and truly set themselves apart. We’re looking forward to seeing greater use of this trailer type, which could all but eliminate the problem of wet claims.”
Bibby Distribution transports over 500,000 tonnes of paper reels per year for Saica using a fleet of 90 vehicles, and the savings achieved on lost reels exceeded £8,000 in 2017.