Bus and Coach News TNB News

Hyundai unveils electric double-decker

12 June 2019 #Bus and Coach #News #TNB News

Hyundai Motor has unveiled an electric double-decker bus as part of its effort to help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

Unveiled at the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Technology Fair in Korea, the new model has been in development for more than 18 months.

The bus can carry up to 70 passengers – 11 seats on the first floor and 59 seats on the second floor – while two fixed-in-space wheelchairs, an automatic sliding ramp and low floor design, make the model accessible for disabled and mobility impaired passengers.

It is powered by a 384 kWh water-cooled high-efficiency polymer battery, with a maximum 300 km driving range on a single charge. A full charge can be completed in 72 minutes.

ByoungWoo Hwang, Head of Commercial Vehicle Advanced Engineering team at Hyundai Motor, said, “The double-decker electric bus is an environmentally friendly vehicle optimised for global eco-friendly trends.

“This will not only ultimately improve the air quality, but also contribute greatly to easing commuting hour traffic congestion by accommodating more passengers.”


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