I have been working in the automotive and road freight sectors since I was 16, and in that time the perception of our industry has undergone a huge shift. In recent years, the importance of delivery and service vehicles was brought to the fore amidst Brexit discussions and now, the current state of national emergency has once again thrust the sector into the limelight. The critical importance of vans and trucks to our society and our economy could not have been made more stark: keeping supermarket and pharmacy shelves stacked and emergency services running during these unprecedented times is, however, a challenge our industry is ready to face head on.
SMMT and other trade bodies have been working hard with government to come up with measures that help the industry deliver vital products and services for our fellow citizens and country. The relaxation of driver’s hours and MoT regulations, business support and loan schemes are all recognition by policy makers of just how important our sector is. We continue this work to find further ways to improve efficiency, and crucially, to keep essential vehicles on the roads.
To help both members and non-members we have created a new section on our website where details of business support and the latest government policy can be found. Please go here.