Despite Covid-19 continuing to make its presence felt and the looming denouement to the EU withdrawal talks, other topics are also beginning to rise up the industry’s agenda.
Covering rail, maritime, aviation and road, the Government will publish its Transport Decarbonisation Plan towards the end of the year. This has, and continues to be, a major piece of work for SMMT and our members. It will set the scene for our industry up to 2050.
We are also working with the Department for Transport on a review and fitness for purpose of the current HGV MoT regime, as well as ongoing work clearing the current testing backlog. At the current rate, there could well be vehicles on the road in May next year that haven’t had an MoT for two years, illustrating why we need a solution soon.
And as usual for, we start planning in earnest for 2021’s CV Show. I won’t tell you how many of these I’ve attended, but it’s a lot, and I’m looking eagerly looking forward to next year’s.
Finally, don’t forget that the deadline for applications to the SMMT Apprenticeship Support Programme is tomorrow. Please visit here to find out more and apply.