Features & Interviews

Five minutes with Alan Able, Brand Director, Isuzu UK

14 April 2022 #Features & Interviews

Why is the CV Show important to you?

Simply put, the CV Show is the pinnacle of our event calendar and is so important as it enables us to showcase the Isuzu D-Max range to engaged business and fleet buyers.

We often utilise the show for new vehicle launches and to meet with business partners, customers and prospects. As a brand, Isuzu are the Pick-Up Professionals and the CV Show chimes perfectly with us for that reason.

What are you showcasing at the show this year?

At this year’s show, Isuzu UK will be showcasing its fleet conversion centre which provides a bespoke vehicle production service to suit the needs of any client. The dedicated centre works in conjunction with fleet sales, homologation and technical teams to ensure Isuzu UK is in a position to offer its customers a build-to-order service, whilst retaining the manufacturers’ warranty and ensuring the vehicle is not compromised in any way. Examples of these builds will be displayed on our stand, showcasing some of the possibilities of the service.

We will also showcase the All-New Isuzu D-Max Arctic Trucks AT35, which will make its public debut at the CV Show in 2022, having been unveiled last year in a pre-production concept guise. Along with a ‘standard’ production build Arctic Trucks AT35, Isuzu UK will display a vehicle in ‘Expedition Ready’ mode, fully equipped to explore the limits of any adventure.

What is your favourite CV Show memory?

In 2019, we launched the then-new Isuzu D-Max XTR at the CV Show and invited the whole of our dealer network to attend the show for the grand unveiling.

Unfortunately, we had a bit of a hiccup with the AV system, which meant that although our MD was giving his speech to the crowd, nobody could hear him! Suffice to say we quickly overcame the problem and the unveiling was a great success and one the dealers still talk about today.

What’s your advice for anyone attending the show for the first time?

Well, the first stop should be the Isuzu UK stand, to come and see our award-winning range for yourself. That aside, I would recommend checking out the show map or just looking around and familiarising yourself with where everyone is. You will soon discover the vast array of displays and companies that are available. You can then assess those suppliers and stands where you want to visit for longer and plan your route.

What are your anticipated highlights for this year?

It will be great to get back out and be part of a physical show as there is nothing like meeting someone in-person. With our Fleet Conversion Centre and Arctic Trucks AT35 being showcased this year, it really demonstrates the versatility and adaptability of the Isuzu D-Max Pick-up, along with our capabilities as a company in the UK. I can’t wait to show people these special vehicles and discuss their own needs at what I know will be a very well-attended show.

Alan Able, Brand Director, Isuzu UK

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