SMMT Committees

Customs and Tariffs Working Group

The SMMT Customs & Tariff WG (CTWG) is established to discuss and develop SMMT priorities and positions on all customs and tariff issues affecting the automotive industry in the UK. It will provide a forum for members and invited non-members from the wider sector to discuss operational and strategic issues that arise for the industry from the current and any future tax and duty regime governing imports and exports of automotive vehicles, components, services and products, taking into account the UK, European and global context.

The CTWG will report into the International Trade Working Group (ITWG) and link up with other SMMT committees, specifically the Brexit Taskforce, the Tax Panel and Policy Coordination Committee, to deliver intelligence, effective positions and a single voice on all customs and tariffs related issues that affect the automotive industry. It will liaise with other relevant industry, government and stakeholder groups at UK, EU and international level, including customs and tariff related committees of HMRC, ACEA and CLEPA.

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