26 September 2019 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK engine manufacturing rises 7.6% in August following summer shutdown shift. Demand from home and international markets grows 10.9% and 5.8% respectively, but YTD volumes remain down. Almost two-thirds of output shipped overseas this year, highlighting importance of frictionless trade.

26 September 2019 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

British commercial vehicle manufacturing grows 47.9% in August as new model production boosts output. Production for overseas and home markets rises 71.9% and 17.3% respectively. Year-to-date performance remains down, with -13.4% fewer units produced in first eight months. UK commercial

20 September 2019 #Uncategorised

SMMT webinar Thursday 26 September, 2-3pm Register now SMMT is hosting a webinar for companies in the automotive sector who are looking to start exporting or explore new markets. We will not be giving you sales pitches, but a series

20 September 2019 #CEO Update

There remains much uncertainty in the air for UK automotive businesses, which is especially concerning in a strategic industry that works on long lead times. A number of manufacturers in the UK have already announced production pauses if we leave

13 September 2019 #CEO Update

SMMT was at the Frankfurt motor show this week, a valuable chance to meet up with colleagues from across the world and see the latest launches. The overarching theme of this year’s event was very much to do with zero

10 September 2019 #SMMT News

British and Korean automotive sectors to enjoy closer ties as SMMT signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA).

06 September 2019 #Uncategorised

IATF has made the fourth version of its Auditor Guide available online. Originally developed to support IATF third party auditors, this latest version aligns the essential auditor competency requirements to the IATF third Party Auditor Training & Evaluation process. Nonconformity

06 September 2019 #CEO Update

New car registrations posted an overall decline of -1.6% in August, but what is traditionally the new car market’s quietest month has the potential to throw up surprises as the market waits for the September plate change. Interesting to note

23 August 2019 #Uncategorised

The EV market is set to grow exponentially and it’s vital that those involved in automotive manufacturing and its surrounding industries keep their technical knowledge up-to-date to remain at the forefront. That’s why SMMT Industry Forum has teamed up with

23 August 2019 #CEO Update

The Science and Technology Select Committee this week issued a series of recommendations for the government to meet its target for the UK of net zero emissions by 2050. Among them were ideas for the transport sector, widely reported as

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