International Activities
SMMT, working with the Department for International Trade and partner organisations, have put together resources to help UK businesses get back on track and expand internationally. The guide provides a guide to developments in key markets and the support available from SMMT, DIT and trusted partners.
Events and Webinars
Webinar: Korea – opportunities for UK automotive technology companies
16 July 2020, 09:30-10:30 (BST)
South Korea is a market with great opportunities for UK automotive technology businesses particularly in the CAV space. Expect to hear from the Department for International Trade, CENEX, Intralink and SMMT discussing the Korean market as well as our planned activities which are also supported by the Advanced Propulsion Centre. There is an additional option to have B2B meetings on 17 July arranged by KOTRA.
Webinar: Ohio – Automotive Powerhouse
20 July 2020, 16:00-17:00 (BST)
SMMT, Department for International Trade, and JobsOhio will discuss the opportunities in Ohio for UK automotive. Ohio’s large auto-specific workforce is among the largest in the Midwest, and is a leading producer and supplier of key automotive components and raw materials in North America.
Webinar: Autonomous Freight Ahead! How the UK is mapping the route to a hands-free future
21 July 2020, 17:00-18:00 (BST)
Join Zenzic’s webinar, which will demonstrate how the Connected and Automated Mobility Roadmap to 2030 can be used as a tool to define how we can deliver autonomous freight, covering topics such as Safety, Simulation and Cyber Security.
Webinar: Germany – future mobility export opportunities in the German market
22 July 2020, 10:00-11:00 (BST)
Despite COVID-19, Germany remains one of the most influential automotive markets in the world, leading on R&D investment, with some of the biggest OEMs and Tier 1 companies. While there is a well-established supply chain for standard equipment, there are significant gaps and opportunities especially for CASE ( Connected Autonomous, Shared and Electric) vehicles and Data Driven mobility solutions so it’s the perfect place for innovative UK companies to export. Join Department for International Trade to find out more.
Webinar: India – opportunities for UK automotive technology companies
29 July 2020, 10:00-11:00 (BST)
Hear about the opportunities available for UK technology companies in India and planned activities to help you to expand your business in this webinar hosted by SMMT and Department for International Trade.
Webinar: Mexico – Export and Business Development Opportunities in the Mexican Automotive sector in light of the USMCA and COVID-19
05 August 2020, 15:00-16:00 (BST)
Mexico is the biggest vehicle producer in Latin America and there are export opportunities to Tier 2 and 4 level suppliers. 80% of products in the categories below are imported – mostly from the US, Germany and Canada, so there are opportunities for competitive UK suppliers. Join Department for International Trade, SMMT, Santander, the Nuevo Leon Automotive Cluster and Altios to find out more.
Previous Webinars
Opportunities in Morocco – 2 July 2020
Listen back to SMMT, How2Go Consulting, Department for International Trade and the Moroccan Automobile and Construction Industry Association (AMICA) sharing an overview of the market and opportunities for UK automotive suppliers in Morocco.
Export opportunities in the US electric vehicles sector – 25 June 2020
Listen back to the Department for International Trade US automotive team specialists on the regulatory developments that are prompting EV adoption and the opportunities on the horizon.
Opportunities in South Africa – 9 June 2020
South Africa has a significant automotive market and a production base of international OEMs and tier 1 suppliers. Listen back to SMMT, Santander, NAACAM and TMF share opportunities and information about the market including key drivers, barriers and opportunities in the automotive industry as well as touching on the sector’s potential in the African market as a whole.