Bus & Coach Registrations SMMT News

August confirms 2007’s contrasting registration trends

06 September 2007 #Bus & Coach #Registrations #SMMT News

  • Big buses down 25.3% to 2,345 units for the rolling year to August
  • Coaches up 1% to 1,165 for the rolling year to August
  • Midibuses buck the trend, up 31.9% to 3,940 for rolling year to August.

‘Despite generally good August registrations, it’s wise not to read too much into one month’s figures,’ said Christopher Macgowan, SMMT chief executive. ‘Over recent months some trends are clear, with big bus registrations now more stable after falling over 20%. Coach registrations look good, back to a rolling year total of over 1,100 now that some of the recent distortions have cleared. Midibuses have delivered the best results, with 30% growth every 12 months over the past four years and clearly, that pace has accelerated recently.’


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