Bus & Coach Registrations SMMT News

Some stability in March, but data and outlook still weak

08 April 2010 #Bus & Coach #Registrations #SMMT News


Some stability in March, but data and outlook still weak
•          Big buses fall 32% Q1 2010 on Q1 2009; drop sharpest for single decks.
•          Big coach registrations up 5.6% at Q1 2010 on a year earlier.
•          March’s 80% rise in 3.5 to 5t buses like those in 2004, 2006 and 2008.
“March delivered some stability in registrations across the sector, said Paul Everitt, the SMMT’s chief executive. “Orders remain well down, despite some resilience so the outlook for the bus and coach sector is very weak, particularly for manufacturers dependent on UK demand. The Spring brought its normal rise in big coach registrations, but this is from a very low base and reflects orders won last year.


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