11 May 2023 #Bus and Coach

A range of projects are set to benefit after the Government announced £77 million in new funding for projects developing clean transport technologies. The schemes, which range from work on battery-powered buses, to a hydrogen-powered version of the iconic Ford

25 March 2021 #Bus and Coach #TNB News

An innovative new passenger counting technology that uses 3D sensors has been successfully introduced on buses serving the Hinckley Point C construction site in Somerset. The new cutting-edge advanced passenger counting (APC) from Exeros Technologies is now being used by

15 January 2016 #SMMT News

Five new innovative projects to develop new low carbon and energy efficient technology in the automotive sector have been awarded £75 million of joint government and industry funding. The measure, which is set to boost jobs and growth in the

11 December 2015 #SMMT News

The Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) this week launched its Round 5 funding competition. The announcement follows news in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement of new financial backing for the Automotive Council project.

11 August 2015 #News #Other #Top Stories

Ian Constance has been appointed as the new CEO of the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), starting next month. The APC is a £1 billion programme aimed at helping turning low carbon propulsion concepts into products developed and produced in the

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