Any SMMT member can opt to become a member of an Interest Group (IG). As an IG member you will receive circulars relating to your IG(s) subject area. IGs are essentially mailing lists – they do not meet, and therefore they do not generate minutes or agendas. However, as a member of an IG you can express your views back to the Vehicle Legislation and Environment Teams.
Below is a list of the Interest Groups that are currently available:
- Assisted and Automated Driving Technical Working Group
- ATP Interest Group
- Bus and Coach Interest Group
- Connectivity Technical Interest Group
- Dangerous Goods Interest Group
- Disabled Persons Vehicle Interest Group
- Electric Vehicle Technical Interest Group
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Interest Group
- Electromagnetic Fields Interest Group
- Fuels Interest Group
- Heavy CV IG
- Heavy Mechanical Couplings Interest Group
- Indirect Vision Devices Interest Group
- Lighting and Signalling Interest Group
- Light Vehicle Powertrain Interest Group
- Noise Interest Group
- Packaging Waste Interest Group
- Passive Safety Interest Group
- Taxi Interest Group
- TIR Interest Group
- Trailer and Bodywork Interest Group
- Type Approval Interest Group
- Tyre and Wheel Interest Group
- Vehicle Security and Insurance Interest Group
Please note: Because the information received by the IGs is often dependent on industry trends, members should note that they may not be receiving regular communications from the Vehicle Legislation and Environment Teams.
If you would like to join one or more of the above IGs please contact the PPVL administrative staff.