15 August 2024 #HGVs #Registrations #SMMT News

UK new heavy vehicle market grows 2.6% in Q2 as overall uptake stabilises following bumper 2023. Rigid demand rises 9.7% and takes greater share of registrations as market continues to normalise. Zero emission truck uptake rises 30.0% in the quarter

30 May 2024 #LCVs #UK Manufacturing

UK CV manufacturing declines -19.9% to 8,413 units in April but maintains 13.6% lead in first four months – the best year to date performance since 2010. April output for both UK and export markets down, by -9.9% and -24.1% respectively, but exports remain up 30.3% YTD. EU overwhelmingly Britain’s biggest export market, with 97.1% of

30 May 2024 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK car manufacturing output falls -7.0% in April as factories retool for an electric future. 61,820 cars roll off production lines with output for the UK up 19.8% as exports fall -12.7%. Ahead of general election, SMMT’s Manifesto 2030 sets

29 February 2024 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK CV production rises 26.9% in January in best start to a year since 2008. Production for export up 49.8%, while output for the UK declines -4.0%. Exports drive growth, with nearly seven in 10 (67.8%) CVs built for international

20 January 2024 #Registrations #SMMT News

Grey is Britain’s most popular new car colour for the sixth consecutive year, topping half a million registrations. Black and white complete trio of best-selling colours, marking sixth year of an identical monochrome podium. Green cars reach highest share of

05 January 2024 #CEO Update

A happy start to the New Year was delivered by the latest annual vehicle registration figures, out today, which reveal that the new car market in 2023 had its best year since the pandemic. December’s strong performance wrapped up 17

22 December 2023 #CEO Update

Yesterday’s landmark UK-EU resolution to defer unattainable rules of origin for electric vehicles may have come at the eleventh hour, but it is a much anticipated Christmas present. In a unanimous vote for common sense, the agreement will ensure EVs

15 December 2023 #CEO Update

As the season’s festivities get underway, some outstanding issues remain before the automotive industry can call time on 2023. Last week we took a collective breath as the European Commission proposed to extend the current EU-UK trade rules governing EVs

08 December 2023 #CEO Update

After a lengthy period of campaigning for a solution to the challenge of tougher UK-EU rules of origin on EVs, this week delivered a breakthrough as the European Commission responded with a proposal that would edge our respective automotive industries

28 November 2023 #SMMT News

Automotive Council commits to increasing the proportion of women in its workforce to 30% by end of decade, with improvement critical to success. Pledge comes as Council launches best practice guide, Shifting Gears: How to better recruit and retain women in the UK automotive sector, in bid to

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