SMMT works closely with both its members and government to ensure that the automotive industry has a strong voice in skills policy development. An important partner in this area is the Automotive Council, a government–industry initiative to promote and grow the UK Automotive industry and its Skills Working Group.
A key success of the Skills Working Group is the creation of the Automotive Industrial Partnership (AIP). The AIP brings automotive businesses together to collaborate on addressing the skills needs of the sector.
Key activities of the AIP have included the development of an industry approved jobs framework; the publication of two automotive skills reports to identify current skills provisions and requirements to meet the needs of a growing automotive industry; and the development of the Automotive Apprenticeship Matching Service.
Skills Engagement at a European Level
As well as engaging on skills policy issues at a national level, SMMT is involved in a number of European skills initiatives.
For example, SMMT provided a UK perspective to the European Sector Skills Council for Employment and Skills in the Automotive Industry – an 18 month EU Project bringing together industry, policy makers, educational institutions and policy makers to tackle the Automotive industry’s skills challenge. You can read the findings of the Council in the Group’s final report.
SMMT also engages with the European Commission’s GEAR 2030 initiative, the High Level Group on the Automotive Industry, feeding into the skills work streams.