Reports Archive

SMMT publishes a number of books, CDs, brochures and reports related to the automotive industry. Many of our publications are available free of charge and can be downloaded from this website using the list below. Others can be ordered by calling or e-mailing us.

Members of SMMT are entitled to various discounts on publications. If you belong to a Member company, you may claim your members' discount when ordering. If you believe you may be a Member you can find out definitively by e-mailing us and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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08 March 2008 #Environment

Oil pollution and fuel storage on HGVs by Richard Martin, Environment Agency.

20 June 2007 #Reports Archive

For the first time, SMMT has commissioned research looking at attitudes and opinions of some of its most important customers. Women and motoring is free to download and is based on an Ipsos-MORI omnibus survey and focus group discussions.

25 April 2007 #Funding and support

This guide provides an overview of topics that vehicle manufacturers/importers, body builders and converters need to consider when developing their business case and plans for implementing type or individual vehicle approval for their products.

15 April 2007 #Facts #Reports Archive

The pocket-sized guide to facts and figures for the UK automotive sector. Packed with industry statistics, from registration and production data to greener-driving tips and information on eco innovations.

15 November 2006 #Reports Archive

SMMT report that aims to understand in greater depth the practice of remanufacturing in the UK automotive industry aftermarket.

10 October 2006 #Environment

What are transport biofuels? What types of biofuels are there? Why use biofuels? Read about biofuel facts in this free downloadable guide.

The pocket-sized guide to facts and figures for the UK automotive sector. Packed with industry statistics, from registration and production data to greener-driving tips and information on eco innovations.

22 March 2006 #Environment

This booklet is a handy reminder that there are simple things we can all do to make for cleaner, safer journeys. By following some of the hints and tips in this booklet, you can help protect yourself on the road and cut down on pollution.

Today (17 May), SMMT publishes Motor Industry Facts – 2005, the pocket-sized guide to facts and figures for the UK automotive sector.

29 April 2005 #Environment

A guide on fuel economy and CO2 emissions which contains data for all new passenger car models is available at any point of sale free of charge.

Update Newsletter