Reports Archive

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30 October 2010 #Environment

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trader’s (SMMT) 11th annual sustainability report reveals that UK manufacturing has made significant progress in cutting CO2 emissions, waste and energy use despite the challenges of the recent economic crisis. The report highlights progress in social, environmental and economic sectors of the motor industry through 2009 and demonstrates that despite challenging economic conditions last year, automotive accounted for £23.8 billion of the UK’s total export values and still employs over 700,000 people.

30 June 2010 #Environment #Reports Archive

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) launched its Ultra Low Carbon Truck strategy at its 2010 International Automotive Summit in London. The aim is to help truck makers and operators deliver ever more efficient and thus lower carbon transport for the UK.

20 April 2010 #Facts #Reports Archive

The pocket-sized guide to facts and figures for the UK automotive sector. Packed with industry statistics, from registration and production data to greener-driving tips and information on eco innovations.

23 March 2010 #Environment

SMMT has published its ninth CO2 report which shows that CO2 emissions from new cars fell by their biggest ever margin in 2009. The average model now emits just 149.5g/km – 5.4% less than the 2008 figure and down 21.2% on the 189.8g/km base level in 1997.

25 October 2009 #Environment

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trader’s (SMMT) 10th annual sustainability report reveals that the UK motor industry is home to some of the cleanest and most efficient automotive production plants in Europe.

15 April 2009 #Facts #Reports Archive

The pocket-sized guide to facts and figures for the UK automotive sector. Packed with industry statistics, from registration and production data to greener-driving tips and information on eco innovations.

15 March 2009 #Environment

SMMT has published its eighth new car CO2 report which shows that CO2 emissions from new cars fell by their biggest ever margin in 2008. The average model now emits just 158.0g/km – 4.2% less than the 2007 figure and 16.8% down on the 189.8g/km base level in 1997.

20 February 2009 #Environment

Produced jointly with the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) and the Department for Transport, the guide – Right Van Man – gives individual van buyers and drivers top tips on van choice and use to help cut running costs and CO2 emissions from light commercial vehicles.

10 June 2008 #Reports Archive

The UK is home to seven of the world’s largest global automotive manufacturers, more than any other European country, and 19 out of the top 20 auto-parts makers have a manufacturing presence in the UK. The UK has attracted more

15 April 2008 #Facts #Reports Archive

The pocket-sized guide to facts and figures for the UK automotive sector. Packed with industry statistics, from registration and production data to greener-driving tips and information on eco innovations.

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