Reports Archive

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10 March 2005 #Reports Archive

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an important technique to help ensure your processes consistently meet the needs of your customers. The guide includes getting started, control charts (general, for variables & for attributes), chart interpretation and capability.

10 March 2005 #Reports Archive

This guide focuses on establishing a management system, which will enable your business to satisfy your customers in an effective and efficient way. It also looks at using the process approach for other system requirements such as ISO 9001 (quality management systems), ISO 14001 (environmental management systems), OHSAS 18001 (health and safety management systems) and other sector-specific quality management systems.

10 March 2005 #Reports Archive

The basic principles contained within this guide will equip the reader with the knowledge necessary to use this technique.

10 March 2005 #Reports Archive

This guide explains how to carry out more than 20 tools and techniques necessary to ensure your business continually improves.

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