Event News

04 September 2020 #Event News #SMMT News

Huge investment in electric vehicle choice is driving demand, but nearly half of motorists still not ready for a 2035 switch, with higher purchase prices and charging concerns holding buyers back.
SMMT calls for zero tax on zero emission-capable cars, including plug-in hybrids, alongside long-term commitment to the Plug-in Grant to drive as many as 2.4 million sales in the five years to 2025.

26 November 2019 #Europe #Event News #SMMT News

Industry calls on next government to put sector at heart of economic and trade policies, and agree an ambitious Brexit deal to deliver on UK’s green growth ambitions.
New figures show tariffs would decimate UK manufacturing, with 1.5 million vehicles lost by 2024 at a cost of £42.7 billion.
UK Automotive can lead in global green mobility revolution but needs collaboration to drive progress, prosperity and jobs.
Industry launches ’key priorities for a new government’ at 103rd Annual Dinner to secure sector’s future success and competitiveness.

12 November 2019 #Event News #SMMT News

SMMT Regional Forum brings together automotive businesses to assess current challenges and new opportunities for sectoral growth in the area. Speakers including Vauxhall Motors and South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) join 200 industry leaders from vehicle manufacturers and

SMMT assembles leading automotive brands and innovative start-ups for its annual Future Mobility Challenge to encourage collaboration with and within the sector. Over 40 companies from nine different countries are pitching for opportunities including mentoring, ideas incubation and investment, piloting,

30 September 2019 #Event News #SMMT News

Comedian, actor and writer Al Murray has been confirmed as the celebrity guest speaker for the 103rd SMMT Annual Dinner, to be held on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at Grosvenor House Hotel, London. Well known for his chat show, Al

03 June 2019 #Event News #SMMT News

UK automotive supply chain plugs in to electrification opportunities at SMMT Open Forum.

23 May 2019 #Event News #SMMT News

Dramatic advances in car safety, fuel efficiency and comfort on show today as 40th SMMT Test Day celebrates evolution of the car.Unique display of 40 vehicles demonstrates vast range and diversity of cars on sale since 1979.

30 April 2019 #CV Show #Event News #LCVs #SMMT News

The extent British businesses depend on vans is revealed today by new research published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) and management and technology consultancy, BearingPoint. Without a van, 3.4 million people – 10% of the UK’s workforce – would not be able to do their jobs, with an estimated 500,000 driving one as their main role.The report, Light Commercial Vehicles: Delivering for the UK Economy, highlights for the first time the vast economic and social contribution made by the 3.4 million UK van users and employees of businesses that depend on them.

UK world’s number one location for mass-market potential of connected and autonomous vehicles, with £62bn annual economic opportunity by 2030, finds new report. Massive safety benefits as driver assistance and self-driving tech could prevent 47,000 serious accidents and save 3,900 lives over next decade. Lifestyle boost for commuters as greater productivity and faster journeys give drivers back full working week every year.

07 March 2019 #Event News #SMMT News

New Armed Forces initiative, Mission Automotive, helps ex-military talent into new careers and plugs vital skills gaps in manufacturing, infrastructure and logistics. Led by Mission Motorsport, the Forces’ Motorsport Charity, in partnership with The Royal Foundation, Society of Motor Manufacturers

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