Manufacturing and Supply

19 November 2015 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

Engine production rises 4% in October 2015 compared with same month last year.

19 November 2015 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

Number of British commercial vehicles made for export boosted by 32.1% in October.

19 November 2015 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

Year-to-date UK car production volumes best since 2005, with 36,000 more units made this year than last.

22 October 2015 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

UK engine production up 6.5% in September, with 224,917 units produced in the month.

22 October 2015 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

British car production posted healthy growth in September, according to figures published today by The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). Output rose 15.5% compared with September last year, with year-to-date volumes 3.3% up on the same period in 2015.

16 October 2015 #SMMT News

The UK automotive supply chain is in better shape now than a year ago, according to a new survey conducted by SMMT.

13 October 2015 #SMMT News

Annual production to hit all-time record of two million vehicles in 2020, beating former 1970s high.

24 September 2015 #SMMT News #UK Manufacturing

99,910 cars built in the UK in August – a rise of 40.6% over the same month last year.
Year-to-date output up 1.6%, passing the one million mark in August for first time since 2008.

18 September 2015 #SMMT News

The Automotive Council has today (18 September) published a report on the rising value of the UK’s automotive supply chain.

10 September 2015 #SMMT News

10 British-built cars joined by Business Secretary Sajid Javid and industry leaders in Greenwich before flying the UK flag at next week’s Frankfurt International Motor Show.

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